About 60 percent of Mexicans older than 50 describe their health as either “fair” or “poor,” according a new survey by the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (the INEGI statistics institute) and reported by Hispanically Speaking News. During interviews of more than 20,000 people in Mexico, conducted for INEGI’s Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento (National Study on Health and Aging), nearly 68 percent of women said their health was either fair or bad, compared with 27 percent who said that it was good. Only about 6 percent of women said their health was either very good or excellent. Among men, 52 percent said their health was either fair or bad, 34 percent said it was good, and 9 percent described it as very good or excellent. Significant percentages of those surveyed also admitted to having difficulty doing daily activities, such as dressing themselves or walking. Their major health problems included hypertension, diabetes and arthritis.