The Latino population in the United States is expected to increase from about 13 percent currently to more than 30 percent in 2050. As the Latino population increases, so should the focus on Latino health—especially since Latinos are already disproportionately affected by many health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
As a person living with HIV, I understand that doing the things you need to do to live a healthy life can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, I also know that knowledge is power, particularly when it comes to living a healthier life. We hope you agree that this issue of Tu Salud gives you relevant health information.
One of the most important tools for staying healthy is disease prevention. Starting on page 2, we’ve identified six health traps for Latinos—from smoking to mental health to hepatitis—and how to avoid them.
One of the most difficult challenges to staying healthy is eating well. Television chef Ingrid Hoffmann credits healthy eating as one of the keys to successfully managing her lupus. We’re honored to share her story in Tu Salud starting on page 10.
Please visit us online at to get the latest news on Latino health, read online-only exclusives, watch videos and give us your feedback. ¡Gracias!

Oriol R. Gutierrez Joan Lobis Brown
Editor’s Letter—Fall 2011
Bon Appétit!