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I’ve been using hydrocortisone cream for a rash on my face, but it isn’t helping. What should I do?

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I had a rash. It turned out to be rosacea.

January 28, 2020 Boston


See a dermatologist...but it probably yeast or fungus. Use selun blue shampoo overnight, then as a face wash for one week ( rinse well)..then once a week until gone. Use sun screen...sweat and sunlight, yeast bread and foods, bad diet and unhealthy weight cause it.

January 16, 2020 Michigan


Is it not working or is the rash getting worse? Hydrocortizone is a corticosteroid. These suppress the immune system. Which is great if the cause is your immune system reacting to something that isn't a threat, such as an allergic reaction. They will improve growth conditions against infections. If the cause of the rash is fungal, like ringworm, you'll need an anti-fungal cream. bacterial, or viral you'll probably want to consult with a doctor,

January 13, 2020


try using a few drops of tea tree oil on a facial wipe do this twice daily (& also after bathing) & be sure to get around your eyes & eyebrows but not in your eyes, of course

December 28, 2019 massachusetts

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