Un cafecito may do more than wake you up in the morning—it may also lower the risk of depression in women, according to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine and reported by the NPR.

Depression affects one in 10 Americans and twice as many women as men, with at least 20 percent of women developing depression at some point in their lives. And Latinos are more likely to experience a major depressive episode, with studies finding that living long-term in the United States significantly increased rates of mental disorders for Latinos.

But the morning coffee may help change some of that.

For the study, Harvard University researchers analyzed health data of more than 50,000 women who were part of the Nurses’ Heath Study, which follows thousands of registered nurses for decades to assess risk factors for cancer and other diseases.

Researchers found that women who had two to three cups of coffee a day had about a 15 percent lower risk of developing depression during a 10 year period, compared with women who had only one cup of coffee or less per week. Furthermore, drinking four or more cups of coffee per day reduced the depression by 20 percent.

While researchers pointed out that this study doesn’t prove caffeine reduces the risk of depression, they said it does suggest caffeine has a “protective effect.”

Time for the afternoon café con leche.